Contact 校友 Engagement and 事件


We invite you get in touch with us.

Office of 校友 Engagement and 事件




考特尼Carmignani Andrews '05, MA '07

Assistant Vice President of 校友 Engagement and 事件
925.631.4200 | 

Courtney is the Assistant Vice President of 校友 Engagement and 事件, responsible for the oversight and implementation of all alumni engagement strategies, 项目, 通信, and institutional special events. 

In her 18 years in the office, Courtney has been responsible for the management and strategy of regional and affinity alumni chapter 编程, the alumni board of directors, and alumni association fundraisers. She has served as the advisor to the Student 校友 Association, Senior Year Experience mentor, and on the board of the Center for First Generation College Students.

Outside of Advancement, Courtney has led efforts for major campus-wide events and initiatives, including the College's Sesquicentennial celebration, 毕业典礼, 创始人周, 就职典礼, and as the 编程 chair of the 50th Anniversary of Women at Saint Mary's College. 

Courtney received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication and Politics from Saint Mary's in 2005, and her Master of Arts in 领导 in 2007. 




Director of Digital Media
925.631.4356 |

Bryan is the Director of Digital, overseeing the online presence of Gael 校友. He is responsible for the strategy, development and execution of digital content, 社交媒体, and web presence for Strategic Partnerships and Advancement, serving as a key storyteller for Saint Mary's to our alumni, 捐助者, 父母, 和朋友. 

Bryan earned a BA in Communications with emphasis in film/media from Saint Mary's and was an 取向 and 欢迎周末 leader for three years as a student. When he’s not online, he's spending time IRL with his wife and fellow alum Stacey O'Connor Navarro '05, 和未来的盖尔人, 卢卡斯和凯西.

Get in touch if you've got a story to share or alumnus to brag about!



菲利普·古德温 '16, MPP

Associate Director of 校友 Engagement and 事件
925.631.5003 |

Philip oversees a handful of our office's signature events, including the Summer Travel Series, 周末聚会, and the 夏天的酒 & 啤酒节日. He also assists with day-to-day operations in the office. 

He graduated from Saint Mary's College in 2016 with a degree in Politics and a minor in English. In 2018, he graduated from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo with his Masters in Public Policy. For nearly three and a half years, Philip worked in the Office of 招生, most recently as the Assistant Director of 招生 and the 访问or Center Coordinator.

He also currently serves as the Resident Director for the second floor of Michael E. 往大厅. Philip has previously served on the Presidential Selection Committee, the Staff Council and the Staff 活动 Committee.

In his free time, Philip enjoys baking (check out 这个视频 from a few years ago!), cooking, and loves a good glass of wine!



Assistant Director of 校友 Engagement and 事件 

925.631.8134 |


Bailey is the Assistant Director for the Office of 校友 Engagement and 事件, responsible for managing logistics, 通信, 编程, and marketing for Gael 校友. 

Bailey oversees all student-related 编程 from the 校友 Office, including the hiring, 培训, and supervision of all students staff, 和实习生. Bailey has been providing event and office management support in the Office of 校友 Engagement and 事件 for three years. 

Bailey is now a double Gael, having received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Justice Community and 领导 in 2016 and Master of Arts in 领导 from Saint Mary's College in 2023.



1928 St. 玛丽的道路
PMB 3400